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Mature Male Motorist With Whiplash Injur


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Personal Injury

If you or a loved one suffered some kind of personal injury, we will help you seek the justice and compensation that you deserve.

Every types of accidents can result in a shocking number of severe injuries and damages and the monetary and the emotional damage can be significant. Attorney Morales will take care of your case, allowing you to focus on healing and getting you or your loved one back to normal life.


Letting the injured party to experience substantial pain and suffering, emotional distress, lost wages, medical expenses and property damage, all of which can be recoverable through financial compensation.

Often, being unaware of the full value of their claims, leads the injured parties to accept the first offer from the at-fault party’s insurance company. We are here to help. 

The Law of Office of Maricé Morales will help to figure out how how serious your injury is, what is the full amount of damages you are entitled, what medical treatment or physical therapy you need, and how much you lost wages will be. 


Attorney Morales will help the injured parties to receive the best compensation possible. Call The Law Office of Maricé Morales now to determine how we can help you and get you the best compensation possible. 

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Here how you can contact the law office of Maricé Morales

In Person

110 N Washington St 208
Rockville, MD 20850

Appointment Recquired

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